Maths Term 4 Strand

WALT give and follow directions.

Student voice " I can give directions to someone so that they can go somewhere".

Te Reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I learn a  Maori sentence at Assembly each week then we practise it in our classroom". 

CARE Term 4

WALT use the Oaklands CARE values.
Student Voice _ I have my bronze and Silver CARE award because I am  a good active thinker and I do excellent work".

Physical Education Term 4

WALT use our ball skills.

Student Voice - " I can kick a ball and stop it with my feet ".

Discovery Term 4

WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice - " I am good at drawing and I like doing it at Discovery". 

Music Term 3

WALT keep the beat in music.

Student voice " I can keep in time with the music on  a drum".

Maths Term 3 strand

WALT order and compare objects or events by length  by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice " I can measure my shoe using a ruler and say how long it is".

Term 3 Discovery

WALT use our key competencies. 

Student Voice - We are doing a science experiment. 

Reading Term 2

WALT know our blends.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I know what sound  two letters together like br  make.

Numeracy Term 2

WALT do subtraction using tidy numbers.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can change one number to a tidy number (a number ending with a zero)
Subtraction using tidy numbers

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - We will have written about something that has already happened and we will have  events in the correct order.

Yesterday I tried to do a wall flip inside. Instead I did a back flip and I hurt a bone. Mum Mum said it will hurt for a couple of days.

Discovery Term 2


Art Term 2